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PSA AD: A flyer about Stress

In this assignment, we were instructed to a create a topic for a PSA (public service announcement). We were then required to create a flyer highlighting the chosen topic.

For this project, I decided to go for a flyer that would be specifically used for general information about stress. I utilized an anology between spotters in weightlifting and "spotters" in reality who listen to the stresses of individuals. I wanted to viewer to have a path to follow hence the white arrows. I wanted to go for a painted look with the arrows so I used a thicker brush stroke. The goal was for the viewer to follow the path with their eyes in order to see all of the key, informational elements of the flyer.

For the pictures, I decided to round out the pictures for more visual appeal. I also saturated the pictures, making them black and white. I did this strictly for aesthetics. I also did some feathering on the image to soften the edges.

The project is pictured below: